Einträge in World Politics
How to deal with climate change: Prompt intervention or Laissez Faire?

Low-level countries like Bangladesh, Cambodia and island states in the Pacific like Nauru, Kiribati, Vanuatu, Samoa, Fiji, Tonga as well as the Marshall Islands are the countries who will suffer most from the impacts of climate change. The rising sea level as well as severe weather events threaten people’s lives. The groundwater has already mixed with the seawater and therefore the drinking water supply is a problem already.

Why we do it – the struggle to reach European salvation

“I’ve come to your shores looking for refuge from the tyrannical torments of the Syrian regime.”

Amira stood on the third-level deck of a raggedy boat filled with roughly 550 other Syrian refugees drifting along the Mediterranean Sea. The vessel was vastly overcrowded; designed for no more than 200 people, almost triple the amount of weight was now burdening the creaky fleet chugging along the currents. Enormous waves were pounding the ship into submission – Amira had been sick for the entire duration of the trip; she curled up and held her stomach with both her hands.

The Ukrainian Conflict - Two opposing views

Since the onset of the "Ukrainian crisis", Poland has been one of the Western countries defending the most drastic line against Moscow. Indeed, the Polish government is not ready to accept any compromise nor to loosen economic sanctions against Russia — even if they are damaging its own national economy — as long as the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine are not restored. The Polish president, Mr Andrzej Duda, even suggested on August 15, 2015, that the government of Poland be part of the Minsk II negotiations alongside Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France, arguing that Poland was one of the strongest European countries and had a common border with Ukraine. But this proposal was not endorsed by the Normandy format.

Russia considers the expansion of NATO since the end of the Cold War as a threat to her political and economical strengths. Indeed, in the view of many Russians, the maintaining of NATO in a post-Cold War era revealed the West's continued suspicion towards Russia: Russia was condemnable, for her political system differed from the Western ideal of democracy. Still, the West developed diplomatic relations with Russia, her being an unavoidable partner regarding the Middle East as well as for European gas supply, and in order to eventually face a growing China.
